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7 Techniques Startups Can Use to Strengthen Communication

Effective communication is crucial for the success of any startup. In fast-paced, high-pressure environments, clear and efficient communication can be the difference between growth and stagnation. From aligning teams with your vision to building strong relationships with partners and clients, mastering communication is key. In this article, we’ll explore seven practical techniques that startups can use to strengthen their communication, ensuring clarity, collaboration, and long-term success.

Here Are 7 Techniques That Can be Used to Strengthen Communication

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1.Watch Your Body Language

Many leaders in startups overlook the impact of body language when communicating. For instance, crossing your arms during conversations with team members can give the impression of being closed off or resistant to new ideas. To enhance your communication skills, it’s important to become aware of your body language and use it to reinforce your message more effectively.

2.Streamline repetitive processes

One of the most exciting aspects of startup environments is the constant change, often happening at a fast pace. While each day can bring something new, certain processes remain consistent. Regardless of a company’s stage, repetition is inevitable.

However, with this daily repetition, effective communication can sometimes fall through the cracks. People might make assumptions, fail to ask key questions, and processes can become inefficient. For instance, employees may start developing their own workarounds for tasks they find tedious. Over time, these inefficient methods can pile up in the background, and you may not even realize they’re happening.

A solution is to streamline repetitive tasks using specific forms. Droplet’s data collection form, for example, whether as a checklist or a questionnaire, offers two major benefits. First, it ensures everyone has the information they need, keeping the team aligned. Second, it provides a simple, non-confrontational way to gather feedback. This reduces confusion and encourages the team to share ideas for improvement immediately.

3.Engage in active listening

Communication involves much more than just the words you use or the act of sharing information. Beyond speaking and writing, true communication encompasses listening and observing. While you may have something to express, it’s equally important to “read the room” and truly listen to others. Making sure those you lead feel heard also requires picking up on what they aren’t explicitly saying.

Building this skill begins with empathy and active listening. To be an effective listener, you need to develop a range of skills. These include asking insightful questions, paying close attention, picking up on non-verbal cues, and being attuned to others’ emotions. Listening sometimes means staying silent, but it also involves showing a deep understanding of the speaker’s perspective.

Of course, this becomes challenging if others aren’t engaging in conversation. Using technology to facilitate communication can help accommodate different communication preferences. That’s why collaboration tools like Asana and Slack foster effective listening. They allow for the exchange of written information, video calls, and task tracking, making it easier for teams to stay aligned.

4.Build Trust with Team members

Trust is the cornerstone of effective leadership. For leaders to build trust with their team, their actions must consistently reflect their words. When there’s a disconnect between what a leader says and how they act, it becomes difficult for team members to trust them. If leaders recognize this misalignment, they must act swiftly to correct it and set the right example.

People need to feel they can trust you, and communication plays a key role in building and maintaining that trust. However, if your actions don’t align with your words, trust will quickly break down. Inconsistency is often the root cause of trust erosion.

Leaders may not always notice when their behavior doesn’t align with their words, and may need a trusted colleague to point out these discrepancies. The best practice for a leader is to communicate only when they are sure their actions will back up their message. For instance, it would be inappropriate for a leader to emphasize the importance of meeting deadlines while regularly leaving work early themselves.

Consider a leader you lost confidence in. Was it due to their lack of knowledge, or because you couldn’t rely on them? More often than not, it’s because you doubted the alignment between their words and actions. For example, they might claim to value team input, but then dismiss every idea during brainstorming sessions, favoring only their own.

Maybe this leader also had a habit of undermining people. They’d assign tasks, only to discard the work and redo it themselves without offering feedback.

Actions speak louder than words when it comes to communication. While it’s okay to change direction, it’s important to explain why. Failing to do so creates confusion and can lead to a breakdown in trust.

5.Communicate with Enthusiasm

Exceptional leaders inspire and energize their audience by communicating with positive energy. Team members are drawn to an enthusiastic leader, and that excitement often spreads. For instance, even if a team falls short of their goals, a leader who speaks optimistically about their progress can motivate them to work harder and stay focused on achieving success. A leader’s positive energy can provide the extra boost the team needs to navigate tough challenges and meet deadlines.

6.Learn From Self Recordings

When delivering a message, it’s difficult to be objective about how you come across. You’re experiencing it from inside your own head, so you can’t fully observe your body language or tone. While you may hear yourself, you might not realize how your tone is perceived by others.

A useful way to gain this perspective is by recording your presentations and verbal communications. Recording video calls with your team, investors, or clients gives you material to review. You can also record yourself during rehearsals and practice sessions. Whether video or audio, these recordings offer valuable insights.

For example, Microsoft Teams allows you to record both audio and video sessions, which you can replay later. You can also share these recordings with someone you trust to provide constructive feedback, such as a mentor who can highlight areas for improvement. Even a smartphone can record in-person meetings or practice speeches at home, allowing you to reflect and make necessary adjustments to your communication style.

7.Break Down Complex Ideas

Your team is often bombarded with information from different sources, which can make it harder for them to grasp your message. To communicate more effectively, focus on simplifying your ideas. A good leader can take complex strategies and present them in clear, practical terms, making it easier for the team to understand. This means you need a deep understanding of the subject. By avoiding technical jargon and focusing on plain language, you can make your message much clearer


Running a startup requires courage and the skill to manage conflicting priorities. You’ll face numerous challenges, from roadblocks to achieving your goals to daily frustrations. Despite these pressures, you must clearly communicate your vision, motivate others with your words, and deliver on your commitments.

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